Wickedleak on Friday launched the Wammy Titan 5 smartphone in India, priced at Rs. 14,990. The handset is available to buy from the company website itself. The smartphone comes as the successor to the Wammy Titan 4, which was launched in February this year at the same price.
One of the highlights of the smartphone is the fingerprint sensor with "360-degree recognition". The sensor is placed at the rear panel below the camera.
The dual-SIM dual-standby (Micro SIM) Android 5.1 Lollipop-based Wammy Titan 5 features the same 5.5-inch (1080x1920 pixel) IPS OGS display as its predecessor, with a pixel density of 401ppi. It is powered by a 64-bit 1.3GHz octa-core MediaTek MT6753M SoC coupled with 3GB of LPDDR3 RAM and ARM Mali-T720 GPU
The Wammy Titan 5 sports a 13-megapixel rear camera with Samsung K3L2 CMOS sensor and flash, and a 5-megapixel front-facing camera. It bears 16GB of inbuilt storage that's expandable via microSD card (up to 128GB). Connectivity options include 4G LTE, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n/ac, Bluetooth 4.0, GPS/ A-GPS, HotKnot, and Micro-USB with OTG support.
The smartphone is powered by a larger 4165mAh Li-Po battery as compared to Wammy Titan 4's 3000mAh, measures 155.2x76.9x8mm, and weighs 203 grams. The Wickedleak Wammy Titan 5 bears an ambient light sensor, proximity sensor, accelerometer, magnetometer, and gyroscope. It's available in Gold, White-Silver, and Dark Gray-Silver colour variants.
Prathamesh Shinde, CMO, Wickedleak, commented on the launch, "With the launch of Wammy Titan 5, we intend to get premium devices in the hands of consumers at extremely competitive price points. At the same time, we are ensuring that the consumers would get all the latest specifications like 3GB DDR3 RAM and 64 Bit Processors. (With Wammy Titan 5) We are offering a rebate of up to Rs. 8,000 as cashback offers are we are indulging in more strategic tie ups with app companies to create more value for Wickedleak users".
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