The Financial Services Roundtable (FSR), an advocacy organization supporting financial, insurance, and asset management firms across the U.S., has launched a new ad campaign urging the Senate to pass the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA), a bill designed to enable businesses to voluntarily and bilaterally share cyber threat information to protect consumers from cyber threats.
The multiple-week advocacy campaign launched today in the nation’s capital and includes radio, digital and social media ads, indluding a new CISA video ad.  
“We need a team America approach to taking on cyber criminals and this bill will help us do that,” said FSR President & CEO Tim Pawlenty. “Without a team approach, the personal information of consumers is more at risk and we urge political leaders to collaborate and get this crucial bill over the finish line.” 
CISA would enable and encourage financial institutions and the private sector to share incoming threat information – not personal information - bilaterally and with each other and the government, creating legal clarity and certainty for businesses of all sizes, FSR says. 
“FSR urges Senate lawmakers to continue working in a broad, bipartisan fashion and to quickly send a cyber threat information sharing bill to the President to be signed into law,” the organization said. 
Cyber that information sharing will be a hot topic at the upcoming ICS Cyber Security Conference, taking place Oct. 26-29 in Atlanta, Georgia. On Tuesday, Oct. 27, Philip Quade, Special Assistant to DIRNSA for Cyber & Chief, NSA Cyber Task Force will deliver a keynote and address the roles public and private sector organizations can take to leverage each other's unique insights and capabilities.
In a blog post commenting on CISA, Thomas J. Donohue, president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, wrote: “The bipartisan authors of the legislation have worked diligently to address the concerns of privacy and civil liberties organizations. They have taken steps to ensure that, under the law, data can only be shared for cybersecurity purposes. They have eliminated the government’s ability to surveil individuals or monitor crimes unrelated to cybersecurity. And they have included multiple, overlapping provisions to guard and respect individuals’ privacy and personal information.”

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